The year 2023 was a strong year financially to enable our multi-year ambitions. There was more income than in 2022, but expenses also increased, because several project supports were started. The foundation ended positively on the balance sheet. With this buffer, the new projects can proceed in 2024 and fundraising for financial support has been strengthened for the coming years.
The total donations in 2023 amount to € 23,311. The general donations are subdivided into donor types (individuals, churches, funds, periodic donations with an agreement and specific project support).
The expenses in 2023 amount to € 21,965. As a foundation, we have been able to contribute to various projects for the implementation of our core task.
The total of the donations is included as result less the costs. As a result, the foundation ends 2023 with a positive result of € 1,355. This positive result is added to the reserve and is intended for the expected projects in 2024 and beyond.
– The Carpenter’s Son Foundation has ANBI-status. This means (for EU citizens) that your donations may be eligible for tax deduction. Please take care of the applicable financial threshold.
– In case you are a non-EU citizen, please contact The Carpenter’s Son foundation to discuss the procedure for donating.
– Nex to sponsorship or one-off donations , there is also the possibility to donate periodically. With a periodic gift, you conclude an agreement with The Carpenter’s Son Foundation for 5 years, with a predetermined annual amount. Your advantage is that your donation is fully deductible from your tax return (you no longer have to apply for a threshold) and the foundation can count on your support for that entire period.
The total amount of donations 2023 was €23.311,-.
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