‘A Sign from Above’. Under this heading we commemorated Brother Andrew during an online gathering on Saturday, November 28 through a YouTube live stream. This stream includes memories from Brother Andrew’s family, friends and acquaintances, together with film footage, music and prayers. We give a glimpse into his exceptional life as ‘errand boy of God’ and ‘Jesus bearer’. In addition, we look forward to how His message will continue.
Br. Andrew was always a gracious host and would help strangers that were in need of a place to stay. In late 2016 I contacted… Read more “Always a gracious host and help for strangers”
Please leave a message in the online Memorial book about Brother Andrew
This video shows a photo slideshow of people that could take shelter at Brother Andrew. The music is one of Andrew’s favorite songs where he could take shelter himself. It is a Dutch song by Benny Neijman.
This is the first prayer that was used during the Brother Andrew Memorial. The prayer is pronounced by Bishop Riah abu el-Assal from Israël. It is translated into sign language by Rasha (a student from the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf) in Jordan sign language, and Lilly (Andrew’s sister in law) in International Sign Language.
His Royal Highness Prince Mired of Jordan had a dear friendship with Brother Andrew. In this video he expresses his condoleances and tells about the great cooperation he had with Brother Andrew.
The deaf-blind Mohammed has been educated by the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf to communicate with his environment. He can even explain how he feels about Brother Andrew’s passing. His signs are translated by his mother.
Matthew and Aline have worked together with Brother Andrew. In this video they tell about their serious, funny and awkward moments with him.
In this contribution, Bishop Ryah tells about his friendship with and visits to Brother Andrew in Jordan.
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