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Translating the Bible into Sign Language

The Carpenters’ Son Foundation board members Fred Doeze Jager and René Kolsters, together with his son Thomas, travelled to Jordan at the end of June 2021 to meet people from the foundation’s network, and to make an inventory of potential projects. Below you will find the fifth part of their travel report.

To become quiet

The Carpenters’ Son Foundation board members Fred Doeze Jager and René Kolsters, together with his son Thomas, travelled to Jordan at the end of June 2021 to meet people from the foundation’s network, and to make an inventory of potential projects. Below you will find the fourth part of their travel report.

Saturday, November 28: Online memorial Brother Andrew

profielfoto Broeder Andrew

‘A Sign from Above’: an online gathering about Brother Andrew’s life and legacy ‘A Sign from Above’. Under this heading we want to commemorate Brother Andrew during an online gathering on Saturday, November 28. We take the time to let family and friends have their say, give a glimpse into his exceptional life as ‘errand […]

Brother Andrew passed away

profielfoto Broeder Andrew

Dear all, Deeply saddened, we announce that Brother Andrew died on Thursday, October 1 at the age of 71, as a result of an accident during his construction work. Together with his assistant Majd, he fell through an old balcony and died shortly afterwards. Majd was taken to the hospital seriously injured. Our thoughts go […]

How is Brother Andrew doing during Corona crisis?

foto br. andrew mondkapje

“When last time I was in Europe and Holland we may have met, but that seems ages ago. Too much has happened in-between and meanwhile the world appears to have turned into a stage for great drama and tragedies, but conversely also great generosity and kindness. Here in Salt we are working on our new […]

The ‘priest with the apron’: restoring buildings as well as broken lives

A few years ago (November 2017) Brother Andrew (A.L. de Carpentier) retired as Executive Director of the Holy Land Institute for Deaf and Deafblind Children in Salt – Jordan, a position he held from May 1977. Most of his working life, now some 50 years, he spent in the Middle East.  Before that he studied […]