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We remember: Brother Andrew

Today Brother Andrew would have turned 72. We mourn that he is no longer with us. At the same time, we are hopeful. Last year, one of our supporters congratulated Brother Andrew on his birthday. He replied: 

“Do you know that I am actually quite surprised that I have been able to reach this age? Amazing, never thought! Every decade after my thirties was a milestone and a surprise. Meanwhile I am enjoying His wonderful and loving GRACE!”

Until his last day Brother Andrew served those in need, especially the Deaf and deafblind. Last week a delegation of our board went to Jordan to discover how we can keep his work and ideas alive. We therefore find it very encouraging that concrete ways have been found to make this possible!

When visiting HRH Prince Mired, he emphasized collaboration with The Carpenter’s Son. There will be follow-up meetings. Stories about our journey are published on our website – with more to come.

Our board is processing the visits. In the autumn we expect to be able to communicate concrete plans for project support in Jordan. Because we will continue for sure!

Today we also received the following text from a close friend of Andrew: Psalm 90. We encourage you to read this psalm in memory of Brother Andrew.

“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,
 and establish the work of our hands upon us”

broeder andrew wijst naar het kruis

“Meanwhile I am enjoying His wonderful and loving GRACE!”