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Final report exchange 2024

The 5 Deaf and 3 hearing representatives from the Jordanian Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are safely back in Jordan. They completed the 8 days intensive program with visits to schools and organisations for deaf education and interpreter training.

Together with The Carpenter’s Son foundation board members Nellie Vermij, Rene Kolsters and 3rd year student Dutch Sign Language interpreter Joanne Kolsters we drove 1500 kilometres to take the exchange group to:

  • Teacher and interpreter education Dutch Sign Language at the University of Applied science in Utrecht
  • Dutch Sign Center in Amersfoort
  • Dutch interpreter contact in Bilthoven
  • Auris Dr. M. Polanoschool for special primary education in Rotterdam
  • Kentalis Signis for special primary education in Amsterdam
  • Kentalis Guyotschool for special secondary education in Haren
  • Kentalis Compas school for secondary special education in Zaltbommel
  • Meeting with The Carpenter’s Son foundation in Nijeveen (including visit to windmill Korenmolen Sterrenberg)
  • Luhu (cafe run by Deaf)

The group was very pleased with the outcome of the exchange program. All the ideas and insights will be summarised into a proposal for the ministry of education. Hopefully they will succeed in realising funding for the expenses needed to improve deaf education and Sign Language (interpreter) training in Jordan.

We look back on a wonderful week and want to thank all the schools and organisations for their outstanding programs, openness and cooperation.

Read the full report in our newsletter >>>

To be continued…

photo of the group at the wind mill
photo of the group at the wind mill

“We look back on a wonderful week and want to thank all the schools and organisations for their outstanding programs, openness and cooperation.”