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What to expect?

The Carpenters’ Son Foundation board members Fred Doeze Jager and René Kolsters, together with his son Thomas, travelled to Jordan at the end of June 2021 to meet people from the foundation’s network, and to make an inventory of potential projects. Below you will find the first part of their travel report.

“We didn’t know what to expect. After the sudden passing of Brother Andrew, and after the months of Covid-19 restrictions, we finally travelled to Jordan. That promised to be an exciting journey anyway, we only partly knew what to expect. Fortunately, all of us had received their Covid vaccinations, but we would only find out during our travels whether the required paperwork would be sufficient for reaching our destination. 

Thanks to the assistance of development expert Dirk Frans, we prepared a questionnaire already before our travels, which we could use during our visits. This questionnaire is a great reminder during conversations, so all important aspects will be covered. At the same time, meeting friends and renewing friendships is also an important part of the trip. A lot of memories and thoughts will be shared, and looking back at Brother Andrew’s passing will reveal emotions. Many questions remain unanswered, but we will pick up where Brother Andrew left, or tie up the loose ends where needed.

Short night
The trip to Jordan was completed without any problems. Due to our proof of vaccination, no additional tests were required. We could start our visits directly the next morning. Because of our arrival at 2.30 AM, we could only enjoy a short night of sleep. But at least we made it to Amman! That was a great relief, and a beautiful start of our journey. Our agenda is fully booked with visits for the coming days. We will meet inspiring people and organisations, and will keep you informed of our progress.”

fred, rene en thomas onderweg

“We didn’t know what to expect”